Domestic Designer vs. Principal Designer

A designer is a person whose work is characterized by a successful coordination of many related functions such as production, technical development, and customer needs. A designer is usually involved in the process from conception to creation of a product, concept, structure, etc., in an artistic or technical sense. A designer works in various fields such as graphic design, industrial design, computer graphics, print design, etc. A designer can be involved in computer aided design (CAD) or architects and engineers use programs such as AutoCAD. Both these methods help to visualize and plan various structures and their interactions.


A graphic designer is a person whose work is characterized by an arrangement of elements in a visual manner to express a message or represent a concept. A graphic designer must be creative in selecting the style and structure of the images but also careful in communicating the message effectively to viewers. A graphic designer may work in television, film, and publishing industries, as images are used for advertising and communication. Some designers specialize in only one area such as computer graphics or fashion. In addition, some graphic designers combine their knowledge and skills in many fields and are known as multi-specialty designers.

Web designers are people who create web content through Hypertext Markup Language or HTML code. The work done by web designers can be presented in two different ways – as text and as graphics. Web sites are growing in popularity as they provide a quick and easy way to share information with millions of users all over the world. Designers use a wide range of tools and languages to construct web pages and create effective interfaces for users. Web designers work in various fields such as web design, software engineering, e-commerce, multimedia, and industrial design. Web graphic designers can work in newspapers, magazines, book publishers, advertising agencies, web development companies, and marketing firms.

Motion graphics designer is a type of designer that creates 3D images using techniques such as stenciling, animation, and lighting. Motion graphics designer to work in film production, electronic publishing, advertising, and computer games development. Their work deals with the creation of unique visual artifacts that help solve problems in an imaginative manner. A motion graphics designer should have a clear understanding of image motion and mathematical color spaces. For example, a designer should understand how to animate a simple photo or create a video game using basic features of the Adobe After Effects software.

An interior designer is a type of designer that focuses on the creation of spaces and designing products in order to meet clients’ needs. Interior designers often work with architects, engineers, and other specialists to come up with effective solutions to clients’ requirements. The principles of design work apply to interior designers. An interior designer should know how to plan space, determine suitable materials, and incorporate complementary and appropriate design elements. Interior designers usually collaborate with the principal designer. The role of the interior designer is complex and requires a lot of attention to detail and innovative ideas.

An advertising designer is an expert in creating advertisements for print and electronic media. They focus on creative concepts, production design, and research methodology. As part of the advertising design process, the principle designer works closely with the principal contractor to establish the basic look and feel of the project, and then presents the advertiser with an advertisement in line with their specific needs and specifications. Most of the time, the advertising designers are connected to the principal contractor by an agency. When working on a domestic client, the advertising designer must be able to establish a good working relationship with the principal contractor in order to get a good result.